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Utah College Application Week 2023
October 23 - October 26

Steps to Apply 

Welcome and Check in

Before you begin, read this for commonly asked questions and to check-in for your participation.

Step 4:
UCAW Surveys

Enter to win an Amazon gift card! Please only take this survey once.  

Concurrent Enrollment 

If you have NEVER taken a Concurrent Enrollment class in high school and will not be taking one next semester, go on to Step 3: Apply to College.

If you plan to attend SLCC next fall (or sometime in your future), and you have taken a CE SLCC class or will be taking one next semester, please complete this step. 

Step 5:
Order Transcripts

Parchment Transcript Request - More information coming soon

Apply to College

Step 3 provides you a link to the application pages for Utah colleges, universities, and technical schools.  It will also give you information on paying the application fees if applicable.

Step 6:
Alternate Plan 

This step is only for students attending the military, doing an apprenticeship program, going on a mission, post-high program, or something else, and DID NOT submit a college, university, or technical school application. 


Now that you have applied, now it is time to get ready to find ways to Pay for College. 

Check out these

"Paying for College" resources below: 

Paying for College

Creating your FAFSA ID

This is the first step for you to file your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  To get started you need your FSA ID.  Click to learn more. 

DACA and Undocumented 

If you are not eligible for the FAFSA, there are still many ways to pay for college.  Please read about the resources on Step 3 to help you pay for College.  

Apply for the FAFSA

Come to our FAFSA Cash for College Night.  Expert help will be there from several colleges.  All Seniors and parents/guardians that attend will receive dinner from a local taco truck and will be entered for a chance to win a $500 Scholarship.  

Step 4:
Apply for Scholarships

Apply for the Promise Scholarship, a needs based scholarship through the college of your choice for up to 2 years of free tuition.

Apply to the Opportunity Scholarship, a merit based scholarship (3.3 GPA) and 3 advanced courses

Search other local, state and national scholarships at

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